"我在Center City 跟朋友吃飯." 他說. 在我下了課打電話給他的時候.
"So...you're not going to Brazil tonight?"
"I wanna go...but I will have presentation tonight. It's gonna be too late after my presentation."
"I won't go to the first class tonight so I will go on 9:30. Will you be finished the class?"
"Mmm...9:30, I think so."
"We can go from 9:30."
"Call me after your class, I will wait for you."
"Let me call Nitin, you can come with him."
"I am at school now, maybe I can just go by myself."
"You don't want to come with Nitin? I was thinking that you can come with Nitin. Let me ask Nitin to call you ok?""
"Well.....whatever, that's fine!"
小姐決定回家!天寒地凍,拿著手機的手凍到沒有知覺.期末報告dress code,兩腿在絲質長褲裡直發抖.
Going or not going?
"Hi Nitin."
"Hi, Sandra. So, are you ready to go?"
"I am on my way home. I want to go home first."
"So, do you want to go or not?"
"Yup, I wanna go. Hey, Nitin, why don't you just go and I can go by myself."
"No, no...let's go together. we can share the taxi."
"Well, ok. where are you now? Can we meet in the I-house?"
"Ok, you go home first and we meet in the I-house."
"See you later then."
"If you don't feel good then don't go."
"You don't look that you are happy, do you?"
"No, I am not happy with his not picking me up and asking his friend instead. He should tell me if this was his plan originally."
"That's right. He uses his time with other friends and make you accept his arrangement"
"But, as a friend...."
"As a friend, you do whatever you want to do. You don't need to accept anything if you don't like it!"
"Right..." I pulled out the cell phone phone and called Nitin. I told him that I am so tired after the presentation so I am not going anywhere tonight. Thanks him for waiting for me. Nitin said that he totally understand. Finished the conversation, I turned off the cell phone and smiled.
"See...Now you are smiling. This is exactly what you want." The guard, Jaunita, said."Listen, you are not going because you don't feel good. It doesn't matter what other people feel."
"Should I give hime a call and tell him that I am not going?"
"Yes, you can."
I thought a second."No, that's fine. If I am not there, then I am not there.I don't need to report to anyone."
"Hahaha.....that's right."
"Maybe this is his way to tell me that he doesn't like me as I expect."
"Maybe, but this is not the reason of your action. You do whatever you want. You don't need to analyze."
"Hahaha....I got you!" I laugh then stopped. The phone was ringing.
"It's him." I said to Jaunita and picked up the phone.
"Presentation 怎麼樣呢?"
"I don't know, but everyone came to me and said good job. I guess it was fine."
"No...I just came home and feel so relaxed so doesn't want to go out anymore." 我笑著說,不知不覺還是很開心. 拜託,就算是我也不會承認的啦!!而且Nitin本來就是無辜的啊!!
"嗯!Have fun!!" 收線,掰掰!!
重點是 小˙姐˙不˙爽˙
I demand high maintenance.
- Aug 14 Tue 2012 20:54
March 10, 2005 High Maintenance